I write you these tips so that you simply take notes and when something happens you know what to do, the first for example if you have a car insurance policy and you are paying monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually, and do not pay within the time that you must pay it after 30 days of thanks, and you have an accident and the policy is not paid, you will not be paid for the damages caused, if you asked for it quarterly and you forgot to pay the second or third quarter they will not pay you, I recommend you to avoid that, automatic debit card or credit card charge is the best to protect you in these cases, you also think if you are traveling and can not or transfer or whatever will be quiet with that subject, the other is, let's assume that your car is stolen, but present the documentation they request including the original invoice of the car they will not pay you, the other is maybe you did not deliver correctly the documents you must deliver If you are paid for the accident, you must deliver the medical report, the accident notice and the reimbursement sheets, the invoices that are in your name, but deliver everything in time and in the form they will not pay you, once you deliver all the documentation required by the insurer, you will have to wait 30 days to be paid for said loss.
These are simple tips and advice, to take into account when securing your car.

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