miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2018

Nine tips to buy the car insurance.

Nine tips to buy the car insurance.

When buying insurance for your car, consider the following tips. Remember that not only does the price matter, but also the coverages you have and the insurance company that sells it to you.

Voluntary insurance, commonly called "Against all Risks", is very different from the SOAT or compulsory insurance for every vehicle owner.

The following tips will be very helpful in choosing a car insurance.

1. At the time of acquiring insurance, the most important thing is not always the price. But not being insured can be expensive. Many people, after a robbery or total loss of damage, have also lost their life savings or become indebted for not having a voluntary insurance for their car.

2. Analyze the coverages. The market offers policies for all necessities and pockets, there are insurance that cover the theft of accessories, such as: rims, mirrors, rims, objects left inside the vehicle, etc.

3. It is important to determine whether the civil liability you provide fits your needs. Insurance is key when you can be civilly responsible for causing injury or the death of a third party in a mishap on the tracks. For these cases, the policy includes coverage of civil liability, the most important for any owner.

4. Be aware that the safety is in your particular case, i.e. type and use of the vehicle. Not always a standard policy is what we need. In any case, keep in mind that risks such as traffic accidents or car theft are constant threats to vehicle owners and, in this scenario, car insurance emerge as an effective alternative to cope These situations.

5. Analyze the types of risks you are exposed to and the experience you have as a driver, that also depends on the type of coverage required. The number of coverages you request will also depend on the price of the insurance.

6. It is important to analyze the additional services offered by the insurer and if these are important to you. Such is the case of assistance, inspection centres, Allied workshops, chosen driver and alliances, among others.

7. The insurer must provide you with an immediate line of care that supports 24 hours, 7 days a week in case of loss.

8. Compare deductibles. Some companies offer the advantage of not decota this value (close to 10%) in case, for example of theft or total loss for damage. "Total loss is determined when numerically the value of the repair, i.e. labor, spare parts, and their respective taxes, have a value equal to or greater than 75% of the commercial value of the vehicle," explains a Colpatria insurance expert.

9. To choose an ideal insurance for each case, it is better to take time, compare and advise an insurance expert.

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lunes, 11 de junio de 2018

¿What information does the insurer need to issue a car insurance?

¿What information does the insurer need to issue a car insurance?

As much as possible is that when you consider buying a vehicle, the dealer or dealer will ask if you have insurance for the car and if this is the first time, it may not be very clear what documentation you will need to present to the insurer.
Ideally, before submitting any documents or making any payment, you consider two aspects: a) How to choose the right insurer; B. What type of insurance do you need?
In addition to listening to the recommendations of friends and family about the companies with which they have had positive experiences.

The first thing the broker or insurance agent will want to know is the type of car you are going to secure. Because this is one of the factors that influence the price of a policy and the type of insurance you need.
Basic information about your car
• Year, model and brand.
• The vehicle identification number.
• Vehicle safety attachments: air bags, seat belts, anti-lock brakes, burglary safety systems, alarms, etc.
• How many miles you will handle around the year and how many you spend on your daily job.
• If it is a new or used car; The miles already covered; If you are financing it, the name and contact details of the company financier.
• If the car overnight in a garage, a public park closed or on the street.
Some insurers offer discounts for new cars and the agent may want to examine the vehicle and/or take photos of it to find out the state it is in.
When you have special cars or particular models, such as race cars or collectibles, chances are that the insurance is more expensive than when it comes to a regular one. And it is even possible that some companies do not secure certain vehicles and should address a specialized insurer who does.
Driver data
It is very important that when you get insurance for your car, identify all the drivers who live in your home and who can handle it. This is to prevent in case, for example, that children who are of driving age take their car without their permission, are covered in case any problems that have to do with the insured car are present.
The insurer will find out about the driving history of the vehicle owner and the policy. It depends a lot on your trajectory and behavior as a driver, that the insurer treats you with more or less consideration. As in everything, at greater risk, it will be more expensive to secure it.
If you have had numerous crashes or traffic tickets for speeding, this story will cost you more money when you buy the insurance; But instead, if you have a good driver record, you will enjoy additional discounts and even special programs for safe drivers and/or taking additional defensive driving lessons.
Also, if the young drivers of your home have taken driving courses, they can mean discounts-in addition to a mental peace of mind-; And if you are good students, you may also receive discounts on your annual or semester premium.
If you have other cars, you may only need to add the new car to the existing policy and therefore get some discount for "loyalty" and seniority as a customer. Also if you have housing insurance, you can place the car insurance in the same insurer. In that case, inform the broker of the company with whom you secure your home.
Personal information
You will obviously be asked to show your driver's license and take note of it. Not only is it important to confirm your address and identity, but you also use it to assess your driving history (the insurer may request to review your driving history with the State Department of Motor Vehicles).
Similarly, the insurer can initiate a detailed assessment of your credit history, so the broker will ask for your Social Security number. It must ensure proper handling of your private information and tell you your rights regarding the laws of your state.
If you have any problems finding a company that will secure your car, either because of the car type or your driving history, don't despair, there are two options and you can read more about what to do when you don't find insurance coverage for your car.
Compare is the basis of saving on auto insurance
Once the agent or broker has all the information, it will provide you with a quote of how much will be the total cost for each renewal period (either 6 months or 1 year) and the coverages that are included. In order to be able to hire the most appropriate insurance according to your case, you will need to compare with other similar companies and with the same lines, that is, if a company offers you a deductible of 400 dollars, ask for a quote to another company with the same deductible.

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lunes, 4 de junio de 2018

Life insurance

Seguro de vida

• Se puede contratar un seguro de vida para cubrir la muerte del titular de la póliza o para obtener una rentabilidad de su dinero.

• Hay 2 tipos de seguro de vida: ahorros de vida y vida de riesgo.

El seguro de vida es el proveedor de protección contra muerte y discapacidad, un tercio de ellos son contratados individualmente y el resto es un colectivo colectivo contratado por su empresa o por varios miembros de la misma familia. Es un producto de seguro muy extendido para la ayuda que representa para la familia y los familiares cuando ocurre la muerte o la invalidez del asegurado, especialmente cuando dependen directamente de sus ingresos o están vinculados a un préstamo de cualquier tipo.
Al momento de contratar una póliza de seguro de vida, así como de suscribirse a cualquier otro seguro, es importante tener preguntas claras, saber qué tipo de seguro, qué cubrir, quién contrata y dónde.

¿ Qué es un seguro de vida ?

Las pólizas de vida forman parte del seguro denominado para personas y consisten en el pago de una prima fija estipulada para poder recibir en caso de muerte o incapacidad un monto que complemente la falta de ingresos del asegurado.

El monto de la prima a la que el asegurado depende del riesgo y la cantidad de dinero que desea recibir es un caso de discapacidad o que sustento percibido en el caso de su muerte. Además, dicha indemnización definitiva de la póliza puede recibir en un solo pago o como un ingreso, según lo desee el asegurado o sus beneficiarios.


Existen dos condiciones principales dentro del seguro de vida, que cubren en caso de fallecimiento y las que lo hacen en caso de fallecimiento. Además, el Sindicato de ambos es el conjunto seguro.

• Seguro de caso mortal, también conocido como Seguro de vida de riesgo.

• Seguro de vida, llamado seguro de ahorro de vida.

Además, es posible optar por los riesgos financieros de la inversión variando la cantidad que recibe las fluctuaciones en los mercados financieros o no tomando riesgos y beneficiando de una relación fija.

Tipos de seguro de vida

La elección entre el ahorro o el seguro de vida depende del beneficio del asegurado para su póliza. Por lo tanto, el primero se contrató para obtener una ganancia sobre las primas pagadas, mientras que en el segundo el beneficiario recibió el capital estipulado cuando se produjo la muerte del asegurado.

Riesgo de seguro de vida

El seguro de vida para el caso de muerte en el origen del riesgo de la vida, y la función de cobertura en la que el beneficiario de la póliza recibe el capital estipulado en ella cuando muere el asegurado. Por lo tanto, una diferencia de otros seguros de salud, en el caso de riesgo vital, el asegurado y el beneficiario no es la misma persona.

Esta política se puede contratar en 2 modalidades: vida completa o temporal.

Seguro de vida entera

La modalidad de vida completa consiste en pagar el capital designado en la póliza justo después de la muerte del asegurado, independientemente de cuándo tenga lugar. Además, es posible elegir entre bonos de por vida o temporales. Con el primer pago se realiza durante la vida del asegurado, mientras que con las primas temporales el pago se realiza durante un número de años acordados o hasta su saldo antes de la expiración de la póliza.

Seguro de vida temporal

Estos seguros de vida cubren el riesgo de muerte durante un período de tiempo específico y se estipulan en la póliza. Este tipo es el que contrata para la amortización de préstamos. Por ejemplo, el asegurado murió y tenía una hipoteca pendiente de seguro cubre sus existencias.

La obligación adquirida por el asegurador después de la firma finaliza en el momento de la expiración del contrato y la compañía no tiene que hacer ningún desembolso al beneficiario si el fallecimiento no se produce durante la vigencia del contrato.
En esta modalidad no hay posibilidad de beneficio por rescate, pero puede ser convertibles o renovables anualmente con el pago de la prima para extender temporalmente la cobertura del seguro.

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martes, 29 de mayo de 2018

¿What is sports insurance?

¿Qué es un seguro deportivo?
El seguro deportivo es recomendable para quienes practican deportes en riesgo en sus viajes. La principal ventaja del seguro deportivo es que cubren al viajero en todo momento, ya sea durante la práctica de deportes de aventura o en el resto del viaje. Por lo tanto, al contratar un seguro deportivo también está asumiendo las garantías del seguro de viaje: cancelación e interrupción, asistencia médica, incidentes con transporte o equipaje, etc. A diferencia de otros seguros, es bastante fácil sacar la máxima rentabilidad del seguro deportivo.

¿Cuáles son las coberturas de seguro deportivo?
Como ya hemos comentado, además de los seguros de viaje (asistencia médica, repatriación, indemnización por accidentes, problemas de equipaje o transporte, responsabilidad civil, etc.), el seguro deportivo se derivará directamente de las actividades deportivas como salud, accidente, rescate, equipamiento deportivo, forfait o clases contratadas.

Asistencia médica: si debido a un accidente o enfermedad necesita atención urgente, el seguro deportivo cubre los gastos de consulta médica, intervenciones, hospitalización y medicamentos o exámenes de diagnóstico prescritos. En el caso del buceo, los costos del tratamiento en cámaras hiperbáricas también están cubiertos.
• Búsqueda y rescate: si pierde o sufre un accidente al practicar una de las actividades cubiertas y necesita intervenir los servicios de rescate, la aseguradora cubre los gastos derivados de la ubicación y el rescate. Dependiendo del tipo de rescate, el medio se utilizará para garantizar la máxima eficiencia (helicóptero, trineo ...).

• Repatriación y transporte sanitario: con el seguro deportivo, como con los viajes, se garantiza que volverá a casa en caso de accidente o enfermedad, ya que la compañía de seguros organiza y paga la transferencia a su hogar o al centro hospitalario más adecuado para tus necesidades.
• Prótesis y muletas: las lesiones son un problema recurrente cuando se practican deportes de riesgo, así que mejor prepárate. Si tiene un accidente y el equipo médico determina que debe usar prótesis o muletas con urgencia, la compañía de seguros correrá con los gastos de la misma.
• Rehabilitación: si se lesiona practicando alguno de los deportes cubiertos, el seguro cubrirá los gastos de la clínica de rehabilitación que elija.
• Material deportivo: en caso de pérdida de equipaje o equipo deportivo facturado, la compañía de seguros utilizará todos los medios a su disposición para localizarlos y, si los encuentra, le llegarán los gritos sin costo. De lo contrario, se le pagará la cantidad correspondiente al valor del equipaje. Además, en caso de retraso en la entrega de las maletas debe alquilar el equipo o comprar productos de primera necesidad, la compañía de seguros asumirá los gastos. En el caso de los deportes de nieve, si el equipo de esquí o snowboard se rompe accidentalmente en el recinto de la estación, la compañía de seguros se hará cargo de los costos de alquiler del equipo.
• Pérdida de servicios contratados: si por accidente, enfermedad o cierre de la estación no puede practicar deportes de nieve, la compañía de seguros le reembolsará los gastos del pase de esquí. Lo mismo ocurre con las clases que pagaste.
Conozca todas estas garantías, no dude en comprar su seguro deportivo antes de partir si va a practicar deportes de aventura en su próximo viaje, se enfrentará a gastos imprevistos y ahorrará. 

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miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2018

Things you need to know about the insurance of a car.

Things you need to know about the insurance of a car.

Like the purchase price of a car, car insurance rates are affected by the years. The age of the car you want to buy can have an impact on the cost of the insurance.
It is considered that new car insurance tends to be less expensive than new cars, but the fact is that used cars can be as expensive to ensure as new cars, even more, and there are several factors:
The level of risk

When it comes to buying a used car, the level of risk for the driver can be much more important than the year of the vehicle. For example, if a driver owns an older Lamborghini and drives it on the road at very high speeds, he will probably pay more than the driver of a new Toyota Corolla that only uses it to go to his job, since the odds of an accident They're lower. If the driver of the first example adds performance-improving modifications, or has a lot of claims from the insurance, then your rate may go up even further.

On the other hand, brands and models that tend to attract prudent drivers are cheaper to secure. This includes SUVs and minivans. Safer brands and models involve fewer accidents, which means less property damage and claims payments for insurance companies.

Cars likely to be stolen

Insurance companies will consider in their rates how often a vehicle type is stolen. If a second-hand car is prone to theft, then the insurance cost is likely to increase.

Sometimes a model car ultimate is not necessarily what the thieves are looking for. Rather, they like to steal cars with pieces that don't change over the years, as they can be sold without having to worry about selling a whole car. This is why the most stolen cars are the Tsuru, the Ford pick-up and the Volkswagen Jetta.

Newer cars can be attractive, but each day they are improving in security and already have GPS systems or anti-theft devices.

The security
Cars that have high safety ratings usually do a good job of protecting their drivers, and fewer accidents and injuries, the cost of insurance decreases. With more reliable vehicles, companies feel confident that medical injury payments will be minimal.

Insurers take this factor very seriously, so they offer discounts for vehicles that have safety features. Volkswagen Jetta, Honda Fit, Seat León and Volkswagen Vento are some of the safest cars.

How to save on insurance premiums
Now that you know that insurance for new and seminew cars can be equally costly, there are ways to save money and secure a used car. For example, did you know that you are entitled to a rate reduction? As long as you ask the right questions. Check out some ways you can save on insurance.
Choose the coverage you need
Another way to save money by securing a refurbished car is to buy only the coverage you need. This means buying the Civil liability, although the protection is minimal.

Many people believe that insurance will run with all the expenses of an accident, but the truth is that you will have to repay some of your pockets, perhaps the percentage is minimal, but if your car requires a repair of 50000 pesos, you will have to pay a deductible Approximately 5%. If you think you can handle most of the repairs or losses, you will decrease the insurance rate. Be careful not to increase too much because it could be counterproductive if in a claim you are the main responsible.

The number of factors that are being calculated for the insurance premium implies that it is possible that a preowned car has much more cost to ensure it than a new one. However, there are always several option
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lunes, 14 de mayo de 2018

Hiring short-term travel insurance.

Contratación de seguro de viaje a corto plazo.

Hay muchos planes de asistencia de viaje que puede encontrar en nuestro sitio web. Todos están diseñados para satisfacer las necesidades de cada viajero. Además, las compañías que los administran son de gran renombre internacional, por lo que trabajan en todo el mundo.

¿Por qué contratar un seguro de viaje a corto plazo?
Como dice el refrán, siempre es mejor estar seguro que lamentar. Los seguros de viaje corto sirven para mantener al asegurado en cualquier lugar y momento, independientemente de la hora o el día.

Todos los planes y coberturas ofrecidas por las pólizas de seguro han incluido el Servicio de Asistencia para Viajeros, lo que significa que si necesita la ayuda de su aseguradora, recibirá una atención totalmente personalizada y un asistente de viaje Profesional se encargará de indicar en detalle qué pasos debes seguir para resolver tus problemas.

y un Plus! Si llegó aquí para enfermarse, solo comunicándose con el centro de emergencias de la aseguradora, la compañía le enviará un médico o lo transferirá a un centro de salud, según sea el caso, y también cancelará todos los costos que el servicio de atención recibió Generate.

¿Cómo contrato mi seguro para un viaje corto?
Para comprar su plan, lo primero que debe hacer es completar el formulario de cotización, luego comparar las opciones disponibles para usted y finalmente elegir el seguro de viaje corto que mejor se adapte a usted.

Haga las compras en línea desde donde desee. En cuestión de horas, la política llegará por correo y estará lista para ser utilizada.

¡Obtenga su seguro de viaje a corto plazo y deje que cuide de usted en todos los lugares!

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viernes, 11 de mayo de 2018

Types of insurance for cars

Types of insurance for cars

When it comes to hiring car insurance, one of the main things we need to look at is about the coverages it includes. To help you choose the one that suits you the most, we do a quick review of the most common differences in car insurance policies.

To third parties, to third parties extended, to all risk, to all risk with franchise... Not all car insurance is the same. The market is full of different types of policies that offer varied coverages ranging from the basic ones that relate almost exclusively to the damages that may be caused to third parties in the event of an accident, until reaching those that even help and advise the driver in Specific circumstances such as the withdrawal of the card.

Depending on the type of policy contracted, the coverages vary in a very significant way, and with them also varies the price of the annual premium to pay for the car insurance. For example, policies with lower annual premiums are usually those for car insurance to third parties: they are the most basic and mainly cover the damage that the insured driver may cause to other drivers or vehicles. 

It is important to note that not all policies to third parties are the same: each insurer establishes its conditions and includes specific coverages to try to differentiate itself from the competition: roadside assistance, fines management, legal advice, by example, your most basic third party insurance policy includes travel assistance, as well as legal advice for loss of driver's license points, aspects that other companies only allow to hire as extras.

In general, insurance companies offer the possibility to supplement their car insurance policies to third parties with additional coverages. For example, it allows hiring extras such as roadside assistance, the free choice of workshop and the possibility of obtaining a replacement vehicle if the car is insured to suffer a claim that has it for a time in the workshop, or is stolen.

In addition, the insurance companies also offer the extended car insurance to third parties, which includes the basic coverages of any insurance policy to third parties, plus a series of extras that although they make a little more expensive the price of the premium, together they can represent An attractive option for those seeking a policy that also protects part of their interests and those of the insured car. 

On the other hand, car insurance at all risk are those that include the greatest amount of guarantees, which translates into a greater peace of mind for the policyholder, ie for whom he hires, although these coverages as it is logical are a higher premium. This type of insurance is usually recommended for new vehicles, since they protect practically all aspects related to the safety and care of the insured car. 

Franchised full-risk car insurance is a good choice for drivers who have a new or relatively new vehicle, and do not often suffer many claims per year. It is important to note that the franchise is pre-established with the insurance company and that it is a fixed amount that is agreed in advance. 

Given such a variety of options, and conditions, the ideal is to analyze very carefully what are the real needs we have when hiring insurance for our vehicle, evaluating aspects that go beyond the price of the premium and go to evaluate Our driving habits, experience in front of the wheel, and even if the car spends the night parked in the street or in a private garage. The key to buying smart is to compare, and hiring the ideal car insurance is no exception.

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