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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta coverage. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2018

Nine tips to buy the car insurance.

Nine tips to buy the car insurance.

When buying insurance for your car, consider the following tips. Remember that not only does the price matter, but also the coverages you have and the insurance company that sells it to you.

Voluntary insurance, commonly called "Against all Risks", is very different from the SOAT or compulsory insurance for every vehicle owner.

The following tips will be very helpful in choosing a car insurance.

1. At the time of acquiring insurance, the most important thing is not always the price. But not being insured can be expensive. Many people, after a robbery or total loss of damage, have also lost their life savings or become indebted for not having a voluntary insurance for their car.

2. Analyze the coverages. The market offers policies for all necessities and pockets, there are insurance that cover the theft of accessories, such as: rims, mirrors, rims, objects left inside the vehicle, etc.

3. It is important to determine whether the civil liability you provide fits your needs. Insurance is key when you can be civilly responsible for causing injury or the death of a third party in a mishap on the tracks. For these cases, the policy includes coverage of civil liability, the most important for any owner.

4. Be aware that the safety is in your particular case, i.e. type and use of the vehicle. Not always a standard policy is what we need. In any case, keep in mind that risks such as traffic accidents or car theft are constant threats to vehicle owners and, in this scenario, car insurance emerge as an effective alternative to cope These situations.

5. Analyze the types of risks you are exposed to and the experience you have as a driver, that also depends on the type of coverage required. The number of coverages you request will also depend on the price of the insurance.

6. It is important to analyze the additional services offered by the insurer and if these are important to you. Such is the case of assistance, inspection centres, Allied workshops, chosen driver and alliances, among others.

7. The insurer must provide you with an immediate line of care that supports 24 hours, 7 days a week in case of loss.

8. Compare deductibles. Some companies offer the advantage of not decota this value (close to 10%) in case, for example of theft or total loss for damage. "Total loss is determined when numerically the value of the repair, i.e. labor, spare parts, and their respective taxes, have a value equal to or greater than 75% of the commercial value of the vehicle," explains a Colpatria insurance expert.

9. To choose an ideal insurance for each case, it is better to take time, compare and advise an insurance expert.

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miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2018

Things you need to know about the insurance of a car.

Things you need to know about the insurance of a car.

Like the purchase price of a car, car insurance rates are affected by the years. The age of the car you want to buy can have an impact on the cost of the insurance.
It is considered that new car insurance tends to be less expensive than new cars, but the fact is that used cars can be as expensive to ensure as new cars, even more, and there are several factors:
The level of risk

When it comes to buying a used car, the level of risk for the driver can be much more important than the year of the vehicle. For example, if a driver owns an older Lamborghini and drives it on the road at very high speeds, he will probably pay more than the driver of a new Toyota Corolla that only uses it to go to his job, since the odds of an accident They're lower. If the driver of the first example adds performance-improving modifications, or has a lot of claims from the insurance, then your rate may go up even further.

On the other hand, brands and models that tend to attract prudent drivers are cheaper to secure. This includes SUVs and minivans. Safer brands and models involve fewer accidents, which means less property damage and claims payments for insurance companies.

Cars likely to be stolen

Insurance companies will consider in their rates how often a vehicle type is stolen. If a second-hand car is prone to theft, then the insurance cost is likely to increase.

Sometimes a model car ultimate is not necessarily what the thieves are looking for. Rather, they like to steal cars with pieces that don't change over the years, as they can be sold without having to worry about selling a whole car. This is why the most stolen cars are the Tsuru, the Ford pick-up and the Volkswagen Jetta.

Newer cars can be attractive, but each day they are improving in security and already have GPS systems or anti-theft devices.

The security
Cars that have high safety ratings usually do a good job of protecting their drivers, and fewer accidents and injuries, the cost of insurance decreases. With more reliable vehicles, companies feel confident that medical injury payments will be minimal.

Insurers take this factor very seriously, so they offer discounts for vehicles that have safety features. Volkswagen Jetta, Honda Fit, Seat León and Volkswagen Vento are some of the safest cars.

How to save on insurance premiums
Now that you know that insurance for new and seminew cars can be equally costly, there are ways to save money and secure a used car. For example, did you know that you are entitled to a rate reduction? As long as you ask the right questions. Check out some ways you can save on insurance.
Choose the coverage you need
Another way to save money by securing a refurbished car is to buy only the coverage you need. This means buying the Civil liability, although the protection is minimal.

Many people believe that insurance will run with all the expenses of an accident, but the truth is that you will have to repay some of your pockets, perhaps the percentage is minimal, but if your car requires a repair of 50000 pesos, you will have to pay a deductible Approximately 5%. If you think you can handle most of the repairs or losses, you will decrease the insurance rate. Be careful not to increase too much because it could be counterproductive if in a claim you are the main responsible.

The number of factors that are being calculated for the insurance premium implies that it is possible that a preowned car has much more cost to ensure it than a new one. However, there are always several option
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lunes, 7 de mayo de 2018

¿What is Travel insurance?

¿Qué es un seguro de viaje?

En su estadía en el extranjero, no debe depender de ningún seguro de viaje. Necesita un seguro adaptado perfectamente a su forma de viajar.

El seguro de viaje es uno de los servicios más importantes que debemos tener en cuenta cuando viajamos al extranjero. Lo bueno es que el seguro de viaje es que siempre seremos callados y disfrutaremos del viaje al máximo sabiendo que si surge un imprevisto, nos respaldará una cobertura.

La operación de la asistencia al viajero implica cubrir en el extranjero los riesgos que existen habitualmente, como por ejemplo alguna emergencia leve por dolor de cabeza, problemas estomacales, mareos que es lo que normalmente nos pasa a los viajeros, así como emergencias más graves que pueden ser enfermedades o accidentes más graves, que siempre estamos expuestos a estos.

Para eso siempre estaremos disponibles los teléfonos de la empresa que nos brinda el servicio o direcciones de las clínicas de la ciudad donde nos encontramos, donde podemos ir y ser recibidos por especialistas médicos que nos brindarán la asistencia correspondiente a Nuestra emergencia, de ser necesario realizaremos estudios, placas, nos darán medicamentos, también tendremos odontología de emergencia dentro de la cobertura y todo lo que fue necesario para solucionar lo inesperado que surgió.

También para el seguro de viaje en caso de urgencia grave, seremos intervinidos y contaremos con profesionales que harán lo mejor para nosotros, haremos hospitalizaciones cubiertas, días de internación, operaciones, etc.

Podemos decir que el seguro de viaje funciona de manera similar a un trabajo social o de prepago que tenemos en nuestro país de origen, la diferencia es que el mismo se brindará en el exterior y solo brindará cobertura en caso de urgencia o emergencia. surgió en nuestro viaje.
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jueves, 26 de abril de 2018

How to insure your assets

Cómo asegurar sus activos

El seguro en general protege las pérdidas económicas para las personas, las empresas y el estado. Es el instrumento financiero que permite la transferencia de riesgos a las compañías de seguros mediante el pago de una tarifa.
Al comprar una póliza de seguro, el asegurado puede recibir una compensación por el bien asegurado cuando ocurre un desastre natural, un accidente automovilístico, un incendio, una discapacidad, un engaño, un gasto de atención médica o incluso la muerte.

En el caso específico del mercado inmobiliario existen varios seguros especializados en proteger aspectos de las viviendas. Cuando una persona adquiere una propiedad con financiamiento, los prestamistas requieren un seguro de propiedad. Para lo cual el propietario deberá comprar una póliza que cubra mínimamente el valor de la hipoteca.
Las pólizas de seguro Standard-Property están compuestas por cuatro coberturas de seguro.
La cobertura estructural que protege al propietario de los daños más comunes, como fuego, humo, granizo, vandalismo y robo. Esta cobertura incluye una cantidad deducible que el propietario de la propiedad acepta pagar en caso de que se produzca alguno de los daños mencionados anteriormente. El resto del dinero para el material de reparación o reemplazo será proporcionado por la compañía de seguros al límite predeterminado en el contrato.
En la mayoría de los casos, la cobertura de propiedad personal está incluida en el seguro del propietario y protege la reparación o el reemplazo del contenido de la vivienda. Aquí se incluyen muebles, ropa y electrodomésticos. Esta cobertura garantiza del 50% al 75% del valor de los artículos protegidos.
Es aconsejable que los propietarios guarden en un lugar seguro un inventario detallado de sus posesiones, que vayan actualizando en la medida en que adquieran un nuevo bien.

El tercero es la cobertura de subsistencia adicional que consiste en los fondos que recibirá la parte perjudicada y su familia para pagar un alojamiento alternativo cuando el propietario de la propiedad no pueda vivir en el tiempo que están llevando a cabo el trabajo de Reparación. 
El último, y no menos importante, incluido en el seguro de propiedad, es la cobertura de protección de responsabilidad. El propietario está protegido contra reclamos y posibles reclamos por lesiones corporales o daños a la propiedad que cualquier miembro de la familia cause a otras personas o sus bienes materiales.
Una cantidad significativa de cobertura de protección de responsabilidad es que le permite a la persona afectada presentar las facturas médicas a cargo de la compañía de seguros del propietario.
Si el propietario tiene un perro, deben verificar que estén incluidos en la póliza de seguro. Si la mascota agredió a alguien estará protegida.
Aquí hay algunos consejos prácticos que pueden ayudarle cuando compra su póliza de seguro.

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