Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta life insurance. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta life insurance. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, 4 de junio de 2018

Life insurance

Seguro de vida

• Se puede contratar un seguro de vida para cubrir la muerte del titular de la póliza o para obtener una rentabilidad de su dinero.

• Hay 2 tipos de seguro de vida: ahorros de vida y vida de riesgo.

El seguro de vida es el proveedor de protección contra muerte y discapacidad, un tercio de ellos son contratados individualmente y el resto es un colectivo colectivo contratado por su empresa o por varios miembros de la misma familia. Es un producto de seguro muy extendido para la ayuda que representa para la familia y los familiares cuando ocurre la muerte o la invalidez del asegurado, especialmente cuando dependen directamente de sus ingresos o están vinculados a un préstamo de cualquier tipo.
Al momento de contratar una póliza de seguro de vida, así como de suscribirse a cualquier otro seguro, es importante tener preguntas claras, saber qué tipo de seguro, qué cubrir, quién contrata y dónde.

¿ Qué es un seguro de vida ?

Las pólizas de vida forman parte del seguro denominado para personas y consisten en el pago de una prima fija estipulada para poder recibir en caso de muerte o incapacidad un monto que complemente la falta de ingresos del asegurado.

El monto de la prima a la que el asegurado depende del riesgo y la cantidad de dinero que desea recibir es un caso de discapacidad o que sustento percibido en el caso de su muerte. Además, dicha indemnización definitiva de la póliza puede recibir en un solo pago o como un ingreso, según lo desee el asegurado o sus beneficiarios.


Existen dos condiciones principales dentro del seguro de vida, que cubren en caso de fallecimiento y las que lo hacen en caso de fallecimiento. Además, el Sindicato de ambos es el conjunto seguro.

• Seguro de caso mortal, también conocido como Seguro de vida de riesgo.

• Seguro de vida, llamado seguro de ahorro de vida.

Además, es posible optar por los riesgos financieros de la inversión variando la cantidad que recibe las fluctuaciones en los mercados financieros o no tomando riesgos y beneficiando de una relación fija.

Tipos de seguro de vida

La elección entre el ahorro o el seguro de vida depende del beneficio del asegurado para su póliza. Por lo tanto, el primero se contrató para obtener una ganancia sobre las primas pagadas, mientras que en el segundo el beneficiario recibió el capital estipulado cuando se produjo la muerte del asegurado.

Riesgo de seguro de vida

El seguro de vida para el caso de muerte en el origen del riesgo de la vida, y la función de cobertura en la que el beneficiario de la póliza recibe el capital estipulado en ella cuando muere el asegurado. Por lo tanto, una diferencia de otros seguros de salud, en el caso de riesgo vital, el asegurado y el beneficiario no es la misma persona.

Esta política se puede contratar en 2 modalidades: vida completa o temporal.

Seguro de vida entera

La modalidad de vida completa consiste en pagar el capital designado en la póliza justo después de la muerte del asegurado, independientemente de cuándo tenga lugar. Además, es posible elegir entre bonos de por vida o temporales. Con el primer pago se realiza durante la vida del asegurado, mientras que con las primas temporales el pago se realiza durante un número de años acordados o hasta su saldo antes de la expiración de la póliza.

Seguro de vida temporal

Estos seguros de vida cubren el riesgo de muerte durante un período de tiempo específico y se estipulan en la póliza. Este tipo es el que contrata para la amortización de préstamos. Por ejemplo, el asegurado murió y tenía una hipoteca pendiente de seguro cubre sus existencias.

La obligación adquirida por el asegurador después de la firma finaliza en el momento de la expiración del contrato y la compañía no tiene que hacer ningún desembolso al beneficiario si el fallecimiento no se produce durante la vigencia del contrato.
En esta modalidad no hay posibilidad de beneficio por rescate, pero puede ser convertibles o renovables anualmente con el pago de la prima para extender temporalmente la cobertura del seguro.

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sábado, 21 de abril de 2018

Life insurance Health Insurance Tips.

Life insurance  Health Insurance Tips.

Regardless of the reason that has led you to hire a health insurance policy, it is important that values among the entire supply of products you have in the market, which best suits your needs.
In most countries there are several companies that offer health insurance, so we can compare and get the most suitable for us.
To save money, we can ask our usual insurance company first if you have this product. If you have it, you will probably get better price than if you hire it with another insurer because you are already a customer.

Do not leave either to ask your company if they have any agreement with an insurer for a collective service, or to your bank or savings box, in case your offer has any kind of promotion.

Health Insurance Modalities

Insurance without co-payment: You pay the premium as you agree with the company and nothing else. Every time you need it you go to a specialist in the medical (and only medical box) of the insurer in the typology and province of residence. Some companies charge you a dollar per visit so you are aware that everything has a cost and you do not go to the doctor without real need.
Insurance with co-payments: health insurance coverage is more limited, so outside of the most basic general medical or nursing services collected in the medical chart, pay for the benefit received. It is more economical and may be more interesting for people who have the insurance more by prevention than by necessity or who have a scarce medical picture in their province.
Insurance with reimbursement: it is the most expensive. With this insurance the medical chart is no longer necessary because the insured can go to any doctor or clinic who wants to be or not in the medical box of the company. The user pays for everything, but the insurer reimburses it within established limits. It is very interesting for international coverage or rare diseases.

Other important features

To be able to hire health insurance you have to prove that you do not have a disease that requires medical services immediately. Having healthy living habits helps pay less, but the important thing is not to lie, in case you get caught.

In any case, all health insurance has a period of cadence with which the backs are covered in case the insured requires the insurance services in the first weeks or months. As the customer gains in seniority, the company is opening services in the form of authorizations.

In this way, insurance companies are prevented from being discharged in health insurance only when they are detected a disease and are discounted when they are overcome. It is also more profitable to take out the insurance being younger because the progressive increase of the quotas will be lower than if we hire the insurance already with a certain age.

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miércoles, 18 de abril de 2018

Tips for hiring the best policy and health insurance coverage.

Tips for hiring the best policy and health insurance coverage.

Health insurance has many types of coverage, so when you go to hire one you have to be very clear what you want. Whether individual or family or covering any specific disease.

Having a good health is a luxury that allows us to enjoy other luxuries of life. So it is worth investing in health insurance, a quick alternative to access health and with which you get a more personalized treatment, among many other advantages such as the absence of waiting lists or single rooms and with bed for the Escort in the clinics. If you are determined to hire one, take note of these recommendations.

Before choosing one or the other health insurance, be informed of all the offer that exists in the market. Currently, this is very easy thanks to the websites with the same, but you can also consult directly on the web of the insurance company. If you have some doubts, it is best to talk on the phone (or in person at any customer service office) with someone from the company or with the broker or insurance agent, who will also tell you what the needs are. Check the coverage of each one and the price. They usually include: emergencies, primary and specialized assistance, hospitalization, diagnostic tests (and more and more dentistry service).

You also ask about copayments. Some insurance does not have, you pay a monthly fee regardless of how many times you go to the office. In others it is necessary to pay, with amounts that may vary depending on the service.

Find out about the hospitals and clinics you can go to to make sure that they are included, either by home or work or because you prefer one in particular. The same with the medical staff, so you can see if, for example, your gynecologist doctor, you may attend.

Check whether the coverage of the insurance policy is local, national or international. So you know whether or not you can go to the insurance doctors when you find yourself outside your place of residence. You should also know the period of lack, ie the time when you will not be able to enjoy some services.
Age influences when it comes to hiring health insurance. The younger, lower price and vice versa, the higher the cost will be more expensive. Insurance premiums usually increase more when you meet a certain age. That's why you have to ask how much insurance will cost you over the years.

Be clear what you need and yours to know if you want to hire an optional coverage so you can set the best health insurance for your family.
                                           Insurance policy
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