miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2018

Nine tips to buy the car insurance.

Nine tips to buy the car insurance.

When buying insurance for your car, consider the following tips. Remember that not only does the price matter, but also the coverages you have and the insurance company that sells it to you.

Voluntary insurance, commonly called "Against all Risks", is very different from the SOAT or compulsory insurance for every vehicle owner.

The following tips will be very helpful in choosing a car insurance.

1. At the time of acquiring insurance, the most important thing is not always the price. But not being insured can be expensive. Many people, after a robbery or total loss of damage, have also lost their life savings or become indebted for not having a voluntary insurance for their car.

2. Analyze the coverages. The market offers policies for all necessities and pockets, there are insurance that cover the theft of accessories, such as: rims, mirrors, rims, objects left inside the vehicle, etc.

3. It is important to determine whether the civil liability you provide fits your needs. Insurance is key when you can be civilly responsible for causing injury or the death of a third party in a mishap on the tracks. For these cases, the policy includes coverage of civil liability, the most important for any owner.

4. Be aware that the safety is in your particular case, i.e. type and use of the vehicle. Not always a standard policy is what we need. In any case, keep in mind that risks such as traffic accidents or car theft are constant threats to vehicle owners and, in this scenario, car insurance emerge as an effective alternative to cope These situations.

5. Analyze the types of risks you are exposed to and the experience you have as a driver, that also depends on the type of coverage required. The number of coverages you request will also depend on the price of the insurance.

6. It is important to analyze the additional services offered by the insurer and if these are important to you. Such is the case of assistance, inspection centres, Allied workshops, chosen driver and alliances, among others.

7. The insurer must provide you with an immediate line of care that supports 24 hours, 7 days a week in case of loss.

8. Compare deductibles. Some companies offer the advantage of not decota this value (close to 10%) in case, for example of theft or total loss for damage. "Total loss is determined when numerically the value of the repair, i.e. labor, spare parts, and their respective taxes, have a value equal to or greater than 75% of the commercial value of the vehicle," explains a Colpatria insurance expert.

9. To choose an ideal insurance for each case, it is better to take time, compare and advise an insurance expert.

1 comentario:

  1. oportunidad de préstamo ofrecida por el señor pedro que salvó a mi familia de la servidumbre financiera hola a todos, soy putri adiratna, una madre soltera de yakarta, me gustaría compartir este gran testimonio sobre cómo obtuve un préstamo del señor pedro cuando nos echaron de nuestra casa cuando ya no podía pagar mis facturas, después de ser estafado por varias compañías en línea y me negaron un préstamo de mi banco y alguna otra cooperativa de crédito que visité. mis hijos fueron acogidos en hogares de acogida, yo estaba solo en la calle. el día en que me encontré vergonzosamente con un viejo compañero de escuela que me presentó a Daisy Maureen. Al principio le dije que ya no estoy lista para correr ningún riesgo de solicitar un préstamo en línea, pero ella me aseguró que recibiré mi préstamo de ellos. pensándolo bien, debido a mi falta de vivienda tuve que hacer una prueba y solicitar el préstamo, por suerte para mí recibí un préstamo de $ 80,000.00 del sr. pedro. Estoy feliz de haber tomado el riesgo y haber solicitado el préstamo. Me han devuelto a mis hijos y ahora soy dueño de una casa y un negocio propio. Todo el agradecimiento y gratitud va en ayuda del sr. Pedro por darme un sentido a la vida cuando había perdido toda esperanza. Si actualmente está buscando asistencia para préstamos, puede comunicarse con ellos a través de: {pedroloanss@gmail.com
